UNet Multiplayer FPS Game

Multiplayer First Person Shooter Game

I worked on this game from 2016-2018. It was originally a project for my computer science class, but making a multiplayer fps game is a big task so I continued to work on it off and on for a few years

About this game

This is a multiplayer first person shooter game. Inspired by games like Call Of Duty, Battlefield, and Rainbow six siege. I have had dreams of making a multiplayer game that has many different game modes to play with your friends a lot like minecraft does. I made this game using Unity as the game engine and Blender for the 3d modeling. Development on this game was stopped in 2018.

There are two game modes. On normal free for all game mode where the objective is to get the most kills. The other game mode is inspired by on of my favorite games Rainbow Six Siege. This game mode consists of two teams, attackers and defenders. Where the objective is to attack or defend a building. I had plans to add more game modes like battle royal, racing, survival, wave based co-op, and many more!


Developing this game was my first experience with any network related programming. I discovered that it is really complicated sometimes but also so cool. The networking solution I used was called UNet. I started off watching tutorials on youtube at first, but then eventually was able to pick it up myself and go from there. Developing a multiplayer game just has so many more steps to it. For example, if you add a new feature to the game you first have to actually make that feature, but then also program it to sync to the server and all the other clients. This makes adding features a lot more difficult.
