Rogue Robot

Rogue Robot was made in 48 hours for the 2019 Northern Game Design Challenge

The Northern Game Design Challenge is a 48 hour video game design competition. Teams of up to four people compete to create a game within a specific theme, using any tools they wish. Rogue Robot was made using Unity as the game engine, Blender for 3d modeling, Gimp for image editing, Audacity for audio editing, and Bosca Ceoil for music composing.

I participated with my team zxGames. Our team members were my brother, my dad, and myself. I did most of the programing and about half of the 3D modeling. My brother did the other half of the 3D modeling and the music/sound design. My dad did sound design and other general tasks. We had an awesome 48 hours making Rogur Robot and we actually ended up winning 1st place!

